Lumping horse dance that is played with a horse property imitation , made ​​from woven bamboo or braid . Nothing in the historical record to explain the origin of this dance , only verbal history passed down from one generation to the next . In performances , dance horse lumping using glass , porcelain , stone , and amulets . The dancers horse lumping very crazy In addition to containing elements of entertainment and religion , traditional art lumping horse is often also contains elements of ritual . Because before the show begins , usually a handler will perform a ritual rain , to maintain considering the sunny weather to keep the show is usually done in the open field . This dance is very give a good impression to the surrounding community .

     In addition provide enough entertainment adrenaline accelerate this dance also contains a secret story elements and strong culture of Javanese culture will be existing from the days of our ancestors from somewhere where that dance is still in the title in each event and the traditional Javanese culture . lumping horse dance reflects the spirit of heroism and military aspects of a cavalry or cavalry . It is seen from rhythmic movements , dynamic , and aggressive , flick through the woven bamboo , mimicking the movement like a horse in the midst of war .